Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands
Follow the Black Bars
Spending time at home recuperating from my health issues, I have had the chance to watch a LOT of TV. And over the last few months, I’ve noticed a new technique for ads. It first started appearing in movie trailers for Twilight and other films, and then I started seeing it done on ads for…
Leveraging the Tough Times
I keep reading about all these retailers (and being subjected to their marketing) who are totally trying to spin the economic crisis. And really, who can blame them? The most interesting ones are the seemingly “luxury” items who are still trying to get you to part with your money. A WSJ article recently talked about…
Why Production Quality Matters
I once had a sales rep at a start up say to me, “Why can’t we do ads like the UPS guys? They just have a guy and a whiteboard – how expensive could that be?” I responded with a gaping mouth and mumbling something about paying Union dues and getting permits, but I’m sure…
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