Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands
Stayin’ Alive: 4 Tips to Keep your Brand Voice Active
The amount of available media today is explosive. These platforms can greatly benefit a brand, or send marketers searching for a positive response. To keep your brand active and influential in this new media age, understanding the goal is your first step. Guest writer Elliot Martinez, a freelance tech writer, offers you 4 basic essentials to…
Which wine would your brand be? (Feel free to sample a lot just to be sure)
If your brand were a vegetable, what would it be? I know, sometimes brand strategy questions can seem esoteric and ridiculous. I mean, really, what the heck does asparagus tell me about how I can make smarter marketing decisions and attract more customers, sales and word of mouth? But creating a brand analogy for ourselves…
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