Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands

  • Web radio – what do you think?

    What do you think of web radio as an advertising vehicle? I’m not necessarily talking just the streaming music sites like Pandora or the like, but I’m talking content shows available on networks such as BlogTalkRadio and Contact Talk Radio. There are a slew of experts of every ilk who can now be their own…

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  • Customers are not scary

    Why do businesses spend tons of money, time and effort on compiling market data, analyzing trends, conducting expensive focus groups with people who have never bought from them, or spend hours combing through research data, when they ignore a prime source right in front of them: their own customers? Your customers, especially repeat ones, like…

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  • How to reply to a PR query- and how not to

    Many small biz owners and marketing pros use  HARO – Help A Reporter Out – for free media queries. It’s DIY PR, served up in 3 daily emails.  But listen up, people: as with everything DIY, you must “do it right” to get results. And many folks do not. Having seen the other side of…

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