Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands

  • Spill the Wine

    According to today’s WSJ, the luxury wine market is not faring well in this downturn. As many of you can guess, people are cutting back and the spending orgy of the last few decades (of which, I admit, I took part on many a Napa/Sonoma bus trip) is quieting down. We even discovered the joys…

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  • Pulling at our Heartstrings

    I am a huge proponent of using the power of branding for good in the world. Many a strong brand campaign has helped raise money, build homes, stop poverty, and fight disease. Non-profits are now getting hip to the fact that effective marketing can be used to incent change and action – and not just…

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  • Brand Before Anything Else

    Don’t let the economic downturn fool you: a small investment in brand building strategy now will reap rewards later on. I know budgets are tight, but just paying for someone to make you a pretty logo with no brand strategy behind it will hurt you in the long run. This oldie but goodie article from…

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