Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands

  • DIY Branding

    Many of you are struggling with the economic downturn and perhaps want to revisit your branding and marketing plans for extra sizzle – but can’t afford a consultant right now. If you want to get started on your own, I’ve put my brand strategy process into an entertaining little eBook foryou DIY’ers out there! It’s…

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  • Tree Huggers Unite!

    Ok, seriously, one of the best pieces of email marketing I’ve received in a LONG time, from…..well, an email marketing company. Emma always useswitty copy and a fun attitude in their brand, but this email campaign is genius – appealing to playfulness, business needs, AND your quest to help the environment. It all ties together…

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  • Innovative Ads – One Step Too Far?

    Did you catch the brouhaha last week over the LA Times ad for NBC’s new cop drama “Southland”? Seems it was listed on Page One of the paper, separated by a border, in a different font and marked as an advertisement – but it still looked and read a bit like editorial (it mentioned “this…

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