Reboot and reframe: Branding lesson for life #2: Be Authentic

Accepting who you are and what you can deliver is an essential part of building a strong brand. If you can’t walk your talk and deliver on your brand promise, then customers will see right through you and it will catch up to you eventually. Sure, you can create short-term spikes of interest, convince someone, somewhere that your company is something else – but brand loyalty is built brick by brick through consistently delivering what you promise, through everything you do, say and show.

Lesson #2 from my recent Women Business Owners chat is about embracing that authenticity. A brand should play to your strengths, but you need to get real about what your company can and will do (and what it can’t and won’t do). It’s all well and good to want to be hip, cool and cutting-edge, but if you can’t deliver that, then don’t try to dress things up. There are so many markets and needs out there – find what works for you and for your audience and deliver that with everything you’ve got.

Check out the juicy video for Lesson #2 here.

What is your authentic strength or mission that guides your brand and marketing efforts?

BACKSTORY TO THE SEVEN LESSONS: What do recovering from a  brain aneurysm and branding have in common? Quite a bit, it turns out. Recently, I got the wonderful opportunity to share my dramatic story at a Women Business Owners luncheon and I promised I’d post the lessons here for everyone. This will be a seven-post series. Click here to learn more and view Lesson #1: FOCUS.

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