A Strategic Retreat + Efficient Project
(Think: a speed-date for you + your brand)
Longing for a soul-searching, in-depth immersion into your brand, marketing and messaging? After some pre-work, spend one day with me (by phone or live) and together we’ll source + shine your story, position, value + mission. We’ll also slice straight to the juiciest, most salient points to attract the right clients + customers. There is a SLICE for solo entrepreneurs and one for start-ups and small to mid-sized businesses with…ahem…boisterous management teams that want to align and accelerate.
Face-to-face, or screen-to-screen.
Juicy. Swift. Decisive. Clean.
- Source + shine your story, position, value + mission. We’ll slice straight to the juiciest, most salient points to attract the right clients + customers (it’s all about clarity, darling)
- (Re)assemble and clarify your messages and marketing to prioritize the ‘next steps’ that make sense, and slash the ones that…don’t.
- Get pointed to all the right places, products + people, so you can curate a pro-team that’ll serve + support your expanding business.
- Learn how to build an irresistible brand, from day zero.
How much juice can you squeeze out of a single day, with Red Slice?
(You’ll be surprised, delighted — and seriously inspired.)
Which Slice Package is right for you?
Click the appropriate link below to learn what you get, from kickstart to final sweep:
For Solopreneurs: If you are a solo entrepreneur (or duo) hatching a business or rebooting and looking to grow – this one’s for you.
For Funded Start-ups + Established Fast-Growth SMB’s: If you have a multi-player team, revenue targets between $5MM-$200 MM, and need to launch, reposition or rebrand in a strategic but efficient way – this one’s for you.