Web radio – what do you think?

What do you think of web radio as an advertising vehicle? I’m not necessarily talking just the streaming music sites like Pandora or the like, but I’m talking content shows available on networks such as BlogTalkRadio and Contact Talk Radio. There are a slew of experts of every ilk who can now be their own Oprah or Good Morning America, usually by paying for the privilege. As one who has secret dreams of this someday (coming soon?) this is especially enticing.

Stats on web radio listenership are very hopeful for prime buying demographics. And these stats are from 2006 – I bet they are much higher now. With the super easy ability to download archived shows as podcasts and take them with you, you have infinite possibilities for getting your message in front of people.

Many folks are using these shows as marketing vehicles of their own, to highlight their expertise or business. And I think that’s a good call if it makes sense for your field.

So are you advertising on niche web radio shows? If so, what has been your experience – did you have success? What web radio shows do you listen to?

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