Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands

  • Beyond Either/Or: Why Great Leaders Embrace Both/And Thinking

    Beyond Either/Or: Why Great Leaders Embrace Both/And Thinking

    Did you know that human brains are wired to adopt binary thinking for survival? We see things as black and white, right or wrong, so we can quickly assess threats and opportunities.  Like the big wooly mammoth coming at you. Or Mr. Lumberg heading over to ask about your TPS Report. In reality, we often…

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  • Healthy Leaders Balance Masculine and Feminine Energy

    Healthy Leaders Balance Masculine and Feminine Energy

    “Can you write a book about FEMININE traits as a strategic advantage instead?” This is what the NYC agent asked me after reviewing my book proposal back in 2017. I was shopping The Empathy Edge around and was on a mission to prove how empathetic leaders, cultures, and teams are a competitive advantage for organizations.…

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  • Choose Your Partners Wisely. Be a Part of The Empathy Movement

    Choose Your Partners Wisely. Be a Part of The Empathy Movement

    Tell me with whom you associate, and I will tell you who you are. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe We are judged by the company we keep. From the first time Aesop shared that phrase in his writings to what we know to be true today, who you choose to surround yourself with says a…

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