Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands

  • What is the You Economy? A chat with Tara Gentile (take the survey)

    Welcome to the You Economy. PS, if you’re a “creative entrepreneur” you’re already part of the movement. At Red Slice, one of my values is that creativity and cash flow are not mutually exclusive. We’re seeing it all around us in the New Economy: people building brands based on a social mission; billionaires supporting philanthropy…

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  • 4 ways to jumpstart your business after a break

    New baby. Extended sabbatical. Major health crisis. Six months abroad…heck, years abroad. People ebb and flow out of big businesses without a peep. But when you’re a business of one – or even five – who’s left steering the brand awareness ship while you go island hopping? I had my major health crisis just 6…

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  • If you want less heartburn when trying to attract new customers…

    Here are the most common marketing challenges I’ve heard when clients call me…. “I spent $5,000 at a booth at this event and I got diddly squat for it.” “I know there are people who need my product or service but they can’t seem to find me.”  “People don’t really understand what I do. They end up asking…

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