Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands

  • Why do I need a mission and vision statement?

    It’s funny how entrepreneurs and employees alike get caught up in the tactical details of their business on a daily basis, but when faced with the ultimate question – why do you do what you do – they seem to freeze up. My theory is that a lot of the meaning behind the company mission…

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  • Any Open Letter to restaurants: Stop tarnishing your brand at Valentine’s Day

    Oh, how I wish there was a forum to send a message to every restaurant owner in the country and know it would get read. Just like my open letter to business owners, this one goes out to any restaurant, bar, or eatery that serves us on Valentine’s Day. STOP. TARNISHING. YOUR. BRAND. We all…

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  • Best and Worst of Super Bowl XLV: Do you agree?

    I don’t. First off, GO PACKERS! I was excited to see them win if I couldn’t have the Jets in the game.  Secondly, was anyone else a bit disappointed in the ad fare this year?  Given how much companies are spending these days for a :30 spot ($3.1 million, and that’s just for the airtime,…

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