Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands
The Seattle Freeze: How customer service differs by city
There are lists for the best cities to start a business and the best place to be a pet. But when I tried to find a list of “Best cities for good customer service” you know what I found? Zip. Nada. Survey geeks, get on this. Would be useful to know. Why, you ask? Because…
Finding your brand voice
Norma Maxwell, the creative sprite behind Connect Interactive, LLC asked me this great question recently: How do I determine my brand “voice?” Voice is so key to your brand communications. Remember the three-legged stool of brand: Visual, verbal and experiential? The “verbal” component – what you write and how you talk is a key component…
Do you judge wines by their labels? An adventure task…
While we are all taught not to judge a book by its cover, let’s get real. I’ve bought books, magazines, scented lotions, household cleaners (how can you resist Method’s packaging?) and yes, wine based solely on how the label looks. I’m a marketing groupie. I admit it. I’m a sucker for cute, clever or crisp packaging. As…
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