Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands

  • How to separate the founder from the brand

    Now that Steve Jobs is sadly no longer with us, what does that mean for the Apple brand? Many companies, especially small businesses where the founder is still active, struggle with how to parlay one person’s personality and values into a company brand. I’ve worked with a few clients on how to bridge this transition…

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  • Creative ideas that WORK

    I came across this awesome video (thanks to the Marketing Communications group on Linked In) that speaks to three heavy hitters about what makes creative campaigns really work. And by “work”, we mean not only sparking buzz and awareness but leading to sales – or in one organization’s case, donations. The panel includes the Creative Director…

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  • Rejecting online in favor of print: Why scarcity works for Le Canard

    I joyfully read a WSJ article about Le Canard Enchaine, a French weekly satirical + scoops newspaper (think The Onion, but with some real breaking news) that knows their audience, is confident in who they are – and is breaking the rules of media publishing today. How? They refuse to go online. And they refuse to accept ad…

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