Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™
Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands
Beneath the bling: Can you back up your “brand goods?”
We all know bling when we see it, right? It’s shiny, sparkly and distracts the eye from a person’s face, outfit or arrogant scowl (talking to you, Tabloid Divas). Crafters love the Bedazzler because it turns ordinary white t-shirts into dizzying love fests of color and light, temporarily blinding people as they walk past you on the…
Brand messaging made simple: Can a six-year-old understand what you do?
Be Bold. Be Brief. Be Gone. These words hung at the desk of a software salesperson at my last Corporate marketing director gig. Ironically, the guy was kind of a windbag but the wise words have stuck with me all these years. Clarity and conciseness are not necessarily hallmarks of my writing. I often play with…
How to hand-craft your brand experience: Brand at Work case study Taylor Stitch
Here’s a lovely little sneak peek at one of the fresh new case studies from the 2nd edition of Branding Basics for Small Business: How to Create an Irresistible Brand on Any Budget, launching April 1, 2014! Lots of launch week goodies and a free teleseminar so make sure you’re signed up for The Juice so…
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