Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™
Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands
What you can learn from Virgin America
OK, I have a major brand crush on Virgin America. Huge. I swoon when I see their logo at the airport, thrill when I’m able to fly them on quick trips down to San Francisco, and dream about hanging with Richard Branson over cocktails sometime. I talk about them a lot in my new book,…
Does anyone really care about “brand?”
No matter how many heads I get nodding about the importance of brand or how many people “get it,” I still feel like brand strategy is the “nice-to-have” while people get on with the business of selling products and services. And really, how can I fault a company that is successful in spite of itself?…
How to make your brand shine: This Sunday in Seattle.
Want more brand “oomph” on your website but don’t have lots of time or money to create elaborate videos or podcasts? The unstoppable forces known as the Sisters of Sizzle, Elise and Jill, will be hosting a Create Your Sizzling Spotlight Event coming up this Sunday from 10-4pm in Seattle called "Be the Star of…
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