Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands
Living your brand – inside and out
I am digging these guys, Incite, who I saw at an American Marketing Association luncheon yesterday. They help companies live their brand inside and out, especially within their operations, HR and employee practices. These are my peeps. As Red Slice always says, brand strategy is something that guides more than your marketing. It can help…
Is your logo “sexy”?
Excuse me? That’s right….Is. Your. Logo. Sexy. “But, Maria, I sell packaged software apps to enterprise customers.” or “I provide coaching services.” What do those have to do with being sexy? By sexy, I mean sophisticated, expressive, uniquely “yours” in the minds of your target audience. “Sexy” is in the eye of the beholder, for…
How much of YOU should you put in your brand?
We had a lively group at our Ignite Your Marketing workshop last night. Whitney Keyes and I presented some brand and marketing basics, a 10-step formula for creating a brand strategy, and how to put that brand into action. Feedback was wonderful! “Well-crafted, simple, clear explanations” “It made me want to brainstorm further!” “Motivating, current,…
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