Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands

  • Lay Off Starbucks!

    Why so much hate? Starbucks was called out all over the web and media today for plans to open a stealth branded location in Seattle under a different name. Only the WSJ seemed to report just the facts without the hatred. Basically, Starbucks is testing out how well it fares if it removes it’s perceived…

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  • Ask The Expert: Bridget Gailey on Color

    People always ask when embarking on a branding effort, “How do I choose colors?” Some prefer to go the route of choosing colors they love – after all, it’s my own business, right? I should be able to pick any color I want. But it’s important to remember that you are trying to visually communicate…

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  • Don’t Assume, Ask

    This is the kind of perspective and info you get when you ask a member of an audience group what is really going on – and don’t make stereotypes or pre-judgements. Apparently, teens are not using Twitter and FB as much as many people think. Again, this might be just one perspective, but he seems…

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