Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands

  • 3 insanely great ways to thank your customers + clients

    3 insanely great ways to thank your customers + clients

    Thank you. Thank you for reading this blog, being a part of this community and creating something wonderful in the world with your business, art or cause. It’s Thanksgiving week here in the U.S. and it’s time to be thankful. We should, of course, be thankful for our fans every day of the year but…

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  • Who is the hero of your brand?

    Who is the hero of your brand?

    You can always tell “ego brands.” They are the heroes of their own story, it’s all about them and they could care less about the value, satisfaction or delight of their customers or clients. C’mon: I KNOW you’re thinking of an example right now! Great brands like Apple, Starbucks (yes, despite my break up with…

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  • 4 truths to building your online brand

    What does it really take to build a successful brand online? What matters when you seek more engagement, better search rankings or more buzz? Here’s s sneak peek for you from my upcoming webinar with Nick Kellet, co-founder of Listly, happening on Nov 11, 2014. Enjoy! [listly id=”Tht” layout=”full” show_header=”true” show_author=”true” show_sharing=”true” show_tools=”true” per_page=”25″] Like…

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