Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands

  • 3 Foolproof Networking Tips to Survive the Holidays

    3 Foolproof Networking Tips to Survive the Holidays

    Trick or treaters, pumpkin spice lattes and chilly weather usually signify one thing (the chilly weather part for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere anyway): the holidays are right around the corner. And with that…the dreaded holiday networking mixer circuit. While you know you should be doing more networking to boost your brand awareness…

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  • The Not-So-Secret to Brand Success

    The Not-So-Secret to Brand Success

    There are no magical answers. A few posts have recently emerged around this theme and when I start seeing patterns, it’s good to pay attention. Too often, entrepreneurs, solo business owners – and yes, even large company CEO’s – think there is some magical cure to flagging sales, lack of brand awareness, or no clients…

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  • 7 Strategies To Nurture Your Budding Twitter Account

    7 Strategies To Nurture Your Budding Twitter Account

    I’m a huge Twitter fan. I love the convenience and conciseness of it, plus I find it a personal challenge to get my point across in 140 characters or less. You might be on Twitter but are not sure how to get a handle on what can often seem like the Wild Wild West. Enjoy…

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