Everyone applauds mavericks and innovators for breaking the rules when it comes to products or technology. It’s the classic Cinderella story. And we celebrate this image of the lone wolf, standing on a TED stage, sharing with the world how he or she refused to listen and followed their own heart to find success.
We tend to think of technology companies or big thinkers with huge global acclaim when we envision this inspirational story.
Some of you might believe you can’t be such sexy mavericks in your own industry. I mean, what can a wellness coach, website designer, or financial planner really do to break the rules and innovate?
I’d like to encourage you to think bigger about breaking the rules.
For too long, the myth of the maverick has been stuck on replay: Compete. Be fearless. Invent something new. Take no prisoners. Be relentless. Hustle. Move. Go. Go. GO!
But here’s the thing: you can be a maverick, a true innovator, by breaking the rules… of success and achievement. (TWEET THIS!)
You can show that vulnerability is sexy (thank you, Corey Blake!) and endear yourself to your clients or community.
You can use empathy and compassion, not more paid ads, shiny objects or get-rich-quick courses to build a stronger community and attract raving fans.
You can prioritize quiet time, family time or creative time and still keep forward momentum.
You can patiently achieve your goals and still make space to rethink and reinvent without constant hustling, “crushing” anything, or grinding yourself into the ground.
You can use your success–at any level–to make the world a better place. You don’t have to wait until you have Oprah or Branson influence.
You can be scared, confused, lost, and unsure when tackling any challenge. And admit to the world that you are doing so. Calling fear out by name, publicly, can fuel your resolve and drain its most potent power: the power to make you turn back or never try at all.
You have the power today to be an innovator and rewrite your story of success so that it works for you.
So what’s your story going to be?