Kristen Elliott: Living Your Brand Values No Matter the Cost

Gear up for this sneak peek into the mind of marketing leader Kristen Elliott, VP of Marketing for Eddie Bauer and how she encourages creativity and makes tough decisions. In this episode, Maria and Kristen talk about how a global brand thrives while still maintaining its values and how to stay connected, both as employees and with their customers, even during this time of physical separation. They also explore how Kristen’s passion for her work as an end-of-life doula translates over into her role at Eddie Bauer in embracing the “soft skills” to connect and create in an honest, ethical way. 

Key Takeaways:

  • In a crisis, clients aren’t looking for the next flashy thing. Rather, they want something that is dependable, high-quality, and a good value.
  • At the end of the day, you have to do the right thing over anything else.
  • Technology has opened up the opportunity for people to be more creative and collaborative.
  • Transforming your brand starts from the inside out and innovation is based on a good culture.
  • You hired your people for a reason! Give them the direction and the tools, then allow them to go forth and create.

“One of the questions you have to ask yourself as a leader or brand is are you willing to lose some customers to do the right thing? The answer for us was yes. It wasn’t even a question.” —  Kristen Elliott

About Kristen Elliott: Kristen Elliott is the heart-centered VP of Marketing for Eddie Bauer. She has helped lead the company through many phases of its evolution back to its roots as an outdoor outfitter. In addition, Kristen is an end-of-life doula and is trained to guide people to find meaning in their lives, come to terms with their unfinished business, have those really hard conversations, and think deeply about all the joy, fulfillment, and love they’ve experienced. As a result, they often come to know their fears, hopes, regrets, and gratitudes at the deepest level. They find deep joy in living and themselves. Except…they’re at the end of their life. She is the host of the Dying to Live podcast. Kristen is also working on a program that helps the living navigate these same big topics to their deep joy, while they’re still kicking. 

Connect with Kristen Elliott:  



Dying to Live Podcast:

Connect with Eddie Bauer: 




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