Sophie Wade: The Future of Work is Already Here – Here’s How to Adapt

The “future of work” is not in the future –  It’s already here, so let’s start calling it the new era of business and work. Especially coming out of the Pandemic, many leaders struggle with how to adapt to changing work requirements, current business challenges, and different employee needs, motivations and demands.

Today, Sophie Wade and I talk about how Millennial and Gen Z habits are shaping new social contracts at work, why we understand how hard it is for seasoned executives to adapt to this new reality, and what it takes to create a more human-centric environment. We dig into the challenges of generational differences at work, where they stem from, and how empathy is the way to bridge those distances to increase engagement, understanding, and performance. We also chat about how work has changed from linear and routine to more networked and complex – and why the leadership skills that got you where you are might need a tune-up in today’s reality. Sophie will share a few practical ways you can improve your culture.

Key Takeaways:

  • The last 3 years of the pandemic has expanded the mindset of learning and leading – ideas are now more likely to come from all levels of the organization than before. 
  • There is a difference between using technology functionally and using technology intuitively. The same goes for the evolving workplace. Younger generations are more likely to adapt to changing work environments than older generations because it is all they have known. 
  • AI is not replacing your job. AI cannot replace the human touch and human interactions and human relationships. 

“Many leaders now are missing out on the contributions of their youngest employees who have a feeling for the power of technology that we just can’t have.”

—  Sophie Wade

About Sophie Wade, Work Futurist, International Keynote Speaker, Author of Empathy Works

Sophie Wade is a work futurist, international keynote speaker, author of Empathy Works, and authority on Future-of-Work issues. She is the host of the widely popular Transforming Work podcast and over 450,000 learners have taken her four LinkedIn courses which cover empathy, Future-of-Work skills, and Gen Z. Sophie is the Founder and Workforce Innovation Specialist at Flexcel Network, a Future-of-Work consultancy. Sophie’s executive advisory work and transformative workshops help companies adapt and update their work environments and attract, engage, and retain their multigenerational and distributed talent. She helps corporations maximize the benefits and minimize the disruption in their transition to talent-focused, digitalized work environments.

Connect with Sophie Wade


Her Book: Empathy Works: The Key to Competitive Advantage in the New Era of Work

Podcast: Transforming Work: 





References Mentioned:

The Empathy Edge Podcast, Lisen Stromberg, What Modern Leaders and Cultures Need to Succeed in the 21st Century

The Empathy Edge Podcast, Edwin Rutsch: How “Empathy Circles” Can Change the World

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