Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™
Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands
2010 Advertising Trends: Tiger Fallout and Less Glitz
Great article in today’s WSJ about advertising trends for 2010. Writer Suzanne Vranica combs Madison Avenue to find out what we’ll be seeing in 2010. Here are her 10 trends and my Red Slice take on them. 1) Rising Stars: We thought we were done with Joe the Plumber but alas, everyone is a critic…
Happy holidays
Red Slice is trekking back to the Midwest for Christmas and will be going dark until January. Whatever your religion, take this time to enjoy friends and family, count your blessings, and think big thoughts about how to build your business in 2010. The more you can set a clear vision and break things down…
When brands disappoint: Hooters
Hear me out. Put aside your disgust about women parading around in orange short-shorts in a PG-rated version of a strip club named after a derogatory term for the female anatomy. If you can. I agree. Only a few people can really pull off orange well – I know one of them. So that’s exploitation…
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