Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Maria’s weekly expert insight on empathy-led business, culture and brands

  • Does Your Story Connect With Your Customers?

    Does Your Story Connect With Your Customers?

    While we inherently know this, we need to better understand our customers if we want to inspire and persuade them. This requires us to speak their language. Too often, my clients come to me to revamp their brand story and messaging and my initial diagnosis is usually the same: They are talking in a way…

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  • Why Does Purpose Matter?

    Why Does Purpose Matter?

    When was the last time you eagerly dived into a task you didn’t connect with, believe in or understand? If I told you to spend hours creating a complex spreadsheet  but never told you why, or where your efforts would lead, how inclined would you be to do it? Yet every day, employees are asked…

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  • How Purpose Leads to Company Success

    How Purpose Leads to Company Success

    What is your long game?  Why do your employees come to work every day? What are you here to provide to your customers? What impact do you want your business or brand to have on the world? The Dalai Lama talks about starting to work on the change you seek, even if you don’t live…

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