February Hot Take: Why Can’t We Do Business With Love?

Think about your organization’s values for a second. I bet you have values such as integrity, honesty, innovation, or others that are similar. Maybe you have something like, Take Risks, or Customer Obsession, or even Embrace Curiosity. But do you have the word “love” anywhere on that list? Does even saying that in a business context make you feel a bit nervous?

While it’s Valentine’s Day season and we’re talking about love in all its forms this time of year, I bet you never thought about including that word in any sort of business communications whatsoever except maybe to say “We love our customers” or “We love a challenge.”

Your invitation today is to think about the role love plays in your company’s mission, culture, and success, in the way you operate with each other, and to not be afraid of it anymore. We’re in this together. But we need to show up in ALL areas of our lives and business. Don’t be afraid to make work personal.  Get aligned. Choose love. 

Key Takeaways:

  • We don’t all have a common definition or construct around love, even though it’s one of the most important human emotions.
  • “Love is a combination of care, commitment, knowledge, responsibility, respect, and trust.” – bell hooks
  • Choose love – you can start small with those in your circle and let it grow from there. We are in this together, but we need to show up and choose love in all aspects of our lives. 

“Now is the time to use your voice and choose love – as a leader, as a colleague, and as an organization.” —  Maria Ross

References Mentioned:

bell hooks: All About Love: New Visions

Red Slice blog post: Choose Love

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