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The Empathy Edge
Ready to infuse your brand, leaders, and cultures with genuine empathy to achieve phenomenal success?
Conversations with leaders, changemakers, and those who challenge the status quo.
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Dr. Steven Stein: Resilience, Grit…Or Hardiness? Which Helps Your Culture More?
Recently, we’ve heard a lot about resiliency, the ability to bounce back from challenge, and grit, that ability to grind away and never give up. But we’ve heard less about hardiness. It turns out hardiness enhances resilience, promotes personal and professional growth, and creates a…
November Hot Take: Why History Needs Us to Be Empathetic Leaders Now More Than Ever
Today, I want to talk about something that’s been heavy on my heart: the importance of holding onto Real History as it’s unfolding, not just to understand today but to avoid repeating mistakes tomorrow. Lately, I have felt anxious about the world we’re building and…
Justin Jones-Fosu: How to Respectfully Disagree – and Not in a Passive-Aggressive Way
We prep ourselves for so many challenging conversations, whether asking for a raise, delivering a tough performance review, asking for more budget, or even debating a political issue as if we’re going to war. We brace for the confrontation. That puts us in a really…
Tina Kuhn & Neal Frick: The E-Suite: Helping Execs Embrace Empathy for Success
One of the hardest jobs in business belongs to anyone with a C in their title. Today you’ll hear from Tina Kuhn and Neal Frick, co-authors and successful executives of global companies who have gone on this journey and had tremendous success. We talk about…
Chloé Valdary: The Theory of Enchantment
What’s love got to do with it, as Tina Turner famously asked? Is there even a role for it in…the workplace? Turns out, yes, but let’s be clear on what we mean by that! If you want to better resolve conflict, create inclusive cultures, and…
Courage to Advance: KPIs Don’t Tell the Whole Story: Why Your CEO Evaluation Is Falling Short
Welcome to Courage to Advance, hosted by Kim Bohr and brought to you by SparkEffect, in partnership with The Empathy Edge. Tune in to our subseries every 3rd Thursday, right here on The Empathy Edge! Or check us out at In this episode, we…
Julie Harris: Why Disability Accommodations Are Smart Business
Your organization may be missing out on the talent, innovation, and productivity of your workforce because of your own actions! I’m talking about accommodating disability. When we fail to invest in mindset and policy shifts, we fail to optimize the people within our organizations. After…
Kim Bohr: Sparking Transformational Change Through Empathy
BONUS EPISODE! Join me for a conversation with President and COO of SparkEffect, Kim Bohr as we kick off our partnership to provide you with actionable content for the next year on their podcast subseries, Courage to Advance. We talk about Kim’s journey and work…
October Hot Take: Scary Leaders…Or Scared Leaders?
Halloween is just around the corner, and the ghouls, goblins, and…gladiators will be out in full force, along with spooky music, haunted houses, chills, and thrills. While humans have a weird desire to scare ourselves for our amusement, fear and horror in the workplace is…
Kate, Jeannie, & Jayna: How to Support Transgender Colleagues & Kids in a Dangerous Time
Today I’m facilitating a unique discussion with three brave women, two of which live under this shadow of fear for themself and their child, and one who is a cisgender ally: Kate Brookes, Jayna Sheats, & Jeannie Gainsburg. We talk about their own stories that…
Dr. Tracy Brower: The Secret to Happiness at Work
Happiness seems as elusive and subjective at work as empathy. But there is a link between the two, and we’re going to get into that today! My guest is Dr. Tracy Brower, a PhD sociologist studying work-life fulfillment and happiness. Today we discuss what happiness…
Empathy Under Pressure: 2024 State of Workplace Empathy (Part 2) with Rae Shanahan
Welcome to another special episode brought to you by the great folks at Businessolver! Their annual State of Workplace Empathy Report has been my go-to for years in finding out exactly how everyone from CEOs to employees thinks and feels about empathy in the workplace.…
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