Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

How to Form a Deeper Connection with your Audience

How to Form a Deeper Connection with your Audience

We all want those customers who adore us, right? Like superstar singers or best-selling authors, we want groupies who can’t wait for our next album to drop or our next book to hit the shelves.

We see people like Beyonce or Elizabeth Gilbert and we think, “Wow! They have millions of people who can’t wait to learn from them and buy from them! I want that!”

But we forget about the audience we already have in our midst. The quiet, studious ones in the front row who’ve been with us since the beginning, supporting our work and telling people about it.

It’s not always about “getting more.” It’s about loving the ones you’ve got. (TWEET THIS!

Wherever you are, whatever your follower numbers or subscribe rates: START WHERE YOU ARE. Focus on making those loyal people happy. Delight them, Connect with them.

How? Show empathy.

Imagine if all your best friend talked about was finding new friends to hang out with. You’d be pretty annoyed and little hurt, wouldn’t you? Yet when businesses are constantly about their “list size” or low Instagram follower number , they’re not focused on providing quality to their existing fan base. Those people should feel like VIPs.

Instead of a constant focus on attracting new people, listen to the ones you’ve already got. Here are 4 ways you can show them the empathy and love they deserve:

  1. Listen to them. REALLY listen: Ask them what they want and need. Stop guessing!  And don’t put words in their mouths to suit your own needs. Mirror their exact words and emotions back to them. If you sense that what they really want is actually hidden underneath that “ask,” probe further. If you spend time and money shaping your offerings to truly solve your current tribe’s pain this will be much better than constantly chasing new fans.
  2. Be clear and offer the right solution to the right people: As I always say, marketing is not about lying to people. It’s about amplifying the truth so the right people who need what you’ve got can find you. Don’t push circles on people who really need squares!  If you sell a high-priced mastermind program that’s roughly the cost of a tiny house, don’t try to convince the dreamer who’s eating ramen every night and already in massive debt to bury themselves deeper. That’s not cool. Don’t be afraid to clarify your message so it reaches the right people …or simply change your target market altogether.
  3. Woo them: No one wants to be “sold to.” People want to be seen, heard and respected. And they want time to get to know you. Put yourself in their shoes: Do YOU like in-your-face sales pitches and hype-filled promises? Prove your value with insightful content. Be generous with resources and connections. Be consistent and keep your word. Surprise them on occasion with playlists, free trainings or a special thank you! Go for the lasting marriage not the lustful affair.
  4. See the person, not the number: Especially when things go wrong. Treat your existing customers and fans like you would a friend.  Robotic responses and canned apologies are not the way you’d comfort a pal, right?

Focus on delighting, engaging and celebrating the tribe you already have. By putting your focus there, the growth will follow because they won’t be able to stop talking about you!

Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Balance Your Media Diet

In today’s digital world, here’s what works well for getting clicks:

  • Lists of quick-hit tips
  • Images
  • Shock value
  • Salacious gossip
  • Outlandish claims

It’s fun to click on “10 Celebs Who Have Not Aged Well” or skim shocking headlines to have something pithy to say at your next cocktail party. It feels sinfully delicious to escape reality by watching The Real Housewives of Whatever or skim sexy–but inaccurate– tabloid headlines while we get our nails done.

But all those tiny, harmless choices come at a cost. We’re losing out on a diet balanced with substance, truth and intellectual growth.  (TWEET THIS!)

Please take a moment to read Seth Godin’s recent and very important post. It’s all about the price society pays when we constantly sacrifice substance for style, in-depth analysis for a quick-read or hard word for ease.

Let’s get real: We can’t be academic, curious or “serious” all the time, I get it. Heck, I enjoy my crime dramas, game shows and renovation “reality” shows as much as the next gal.

But we do need to be clear that our choices have consequences on the culture as a whole. On our own mindset. On how we see “the truth” and on how our next generation learns how to fully contemplate, assess and explore.

Our tiny individual actions may not change things overnight…or ever. But every time you turn on that reality show where people are just awful to each other, or buy that clearly false tabloid, or even sign up for that expensive program that promises you a get-rich-quick success scheme, you vote with your time, energy, money and attention. You vote and support that behavior. This is why I absolutely refuse to watch any of the Real Housewives franchise or shows about toddler beauty pageants or whatever. They may be hilarious and entertaining to some people, to be sure, and those people may think I should lighten up, but I just don’t want to support the impact to our culture. That’s my own personal choice.

Am I reading War and Peace every night or diving into scientific journals? Hell no.  I’m not some sage or martyr about this issue. It’s simply a reminder to always be conscious of feeding our intellectual curiosity. A push to keep seeking out truthful stories, accurate claims–and to question all sources. How incredibly healthy your hearts and minds would be if we simply balanced the candied-apple guilty pleasure articles and wickedly clever Tweets with documentaries, nature programs, well-researched articles that are longer than 500 words and by listening to true leaders and great minds.

PS, for a nice mix of both cleverly entertaining and extremely factual reporting, follow Scott Bixby.

My pledge to you, dear reader. I will never offer you hype or sensationalism. Only practical and inspirational advice that educates you, helps you see things differently, or consider something you had not before, boosts your spirit or sparks your creativity. Will it make you a million dollars? Maybe, maybe not. That’s not for me to say….or claim. Yes, clients have taken their brands to the next level with my advice and teachings. And others have done nothing. It’s the way it goes. It doesn’t give me permission to make more outlandish claims to get attention or build my audience.

All I can do is offer you the very best knowledge and insights that I can and help you move forward. This should be your pledge as well: to create something of substance that matters. Something with integrity, honesty, and real value. Served with a side of splashy style, if you can, of course. I mean, we gotta have some fun, right?

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Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Greatest Hits of 2016

best of 2016

Another year behind us. Another year ahead. It’s a crazy time for our world and for some of us personally.

How did things shake out for you? Did you meet your goals and then some? Or did a few things get sidetracked by this thing called “Life?”

This year’s been a busy one here at Red Slice! I launched an epic year-long coaching program, MOMENTUM, in September and am thrilled to coach this amazing cohort of creative entrepreneurs on how to master their marketing, build their brand and stay focused. Want to be the first to know about next year’s class? Get the details and join the Wait List for special pricing when it opens.

The Juicy Guides for Entrepreneurs sweet little boxed set of all four for just $5.95 made its debut. Bite-sized nuggets of sage advice on branding, inspiration, and time management. Makes a fabulous holiday gift for the client, colleague or entrepreneurial nephew in your life. #justsayin!

And, oh the content! We held a free telejam to Price Right and Conquer Cash Flow with the amazing finance coach, Debbie Whitlock. I ran not one, but TWO free MOMENTUM 5-Day Challenges that people adored.  And of course, blogs, blogs, blogs.

And with that in mind, here is a collection of my best advice and musings from 2016. Enjoy!

When you think no one is listening or you have no influence, read this. (Um, they are and you do!)

Gut feel matters in business. Here’s why.

A simple way to attract better quality clients and customers.

Want to welcome your new email subscribers? Four great ideas.

Want to have more fun with your marketing? Read this.

My tribute to Prince’s passing and why you have to stay bold.

Want your customers to eat up what you offer? Listen to them.

And a tribute to my Mama, who passed away early this year: Live with no regrets.

Have a very happy holiday season. Peace, love and joy to you in 2017!

Oh, and if you haven’t done so, PRETTY PLEASE complete my Community Questionnaire ASAP, so you can get more good stuff in 2017!

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Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Choose Love

You are a maker. You’re a doer. You’re a business owner.

You write. Or create art. Or teach others.


I don’t care if you’re just starting out or have been at this awhile.  Your email list may consist of your mom and your best friend. You may only have 100 Twitter followers.

Or you may reach tens of thousands each week. You may serve hundreds of customers each month.

Wherever you are, use what you’ve got.

Never underestimate the importance of your work or message. It may seem trite, but if you can influence or inspire even just a few, then you have done your job well.

Now more than ever, in these tumultuous times…when folks are feeling raw, vulnerable and afraid…now is the time to use your voice and choose love. (TWEET THIS!)

Not “love” in the romantic sense, but like this:

  • Love yourself and be self-confident so you don’t feel the need to bully others or let bullies win over you
  • Love your neighbor so that all people can feel accepted and appreciated
  • Love your clients so you can bring real, honest value to them
  • Love your customers so you can make their lives better with your products or services
  • Love you partners so you can create wins for that benefit everyone
  • Love your community so you can collectively pull everyone up together
  • Love your environment so its beauty and nourishment enriches generations to come
  • Love your family and friends so they have a firm foundation to fully spread their own love to others

Here’s what I know to be true: No matter what your religion, nationality, gender or sexual orientation, the only thing that matters is how you show up in the world and love. You are the example when you think no one is watching – because sometimes only YOU are watching, and you want to be proud of what you see.

Give thanks for the gifts you’ve been given. Start small and share them with whoever is in your circle of influence right now. If that’s just your family and friends, choose love. If that’s tens of thousands of email subscribers or Instagram followers, choose love.

We’re in this together. But do your part. Show up. Choose love. (TWEET THIS!)

THANK YOU so very, very much for being part of my tribe. Thank you for letting me inspire, inform and love you – whether I deliver practical business info or motivational advice. My goal is to make your life + work better. If I do, please share this post with a friend or colleague. And if you’re not already on my weekly list, please sign up below. Thank you!

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Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Be the Change

We all have those moments of which we’re not proud of, right?

The other day, I was THAT customer.

At 8:15 am, I waited for the drive-thru pharmacy to open, as they should have at 8 am. With another car in front of me, and a 9 am meeting, I fumed.

I can be quite a forgiving soul, especially when there’s a reasonable explanation. But I  have zero patience for arrogance and incompetence.  Especially as a customer.

The pharmacy gave me a hefty dose of both on this particular morning.

Mind you, there was baggage. This pharmacy has already created a horrible brand experience: understaffed, long lines, misplaced scrips, and a constantly frazzled and rushed pharmacist. I can never just pop in and have things go right.  But it’s the closest to my house.

Back to the other morning:

I called the store from my car to ask the clerk if the pharmacist was even in. I explained there were two cars waiting in line and could he please let her know?

Finally, someone showed up and the first car got through quickly. I pulled up to the window.

“Your prescription is not ready…” the tech started to say.

That’s when I lost it. “It’s the last day of my prescription and I’m on auto-fill, it should totally be ready!”

“If you’ll let me finish, MA’AM…we’ll fill it right now and take care of it for you, Stop yelling at me.” (for the record, I wasn’t)

“Well, I’m frustrated that you were supposed to open up over 20 minutes ago and now you’re making me wait even more. I’m going to be late for a meeting.”

To which the snarky tech barks, in the most condescending tone:

“Excuse me, our pharmacist was a in car crash and just got here. Show some compassion, will you, and we’ll help you.”

Now I was impatient AND insulted. She just accused me of being a monster with no compassion. What the what?

“Well, I didn’t know that, of course. How could I? I’m very sorry about that and hope she’s okay, but that was uncalled for and I don’t appreciate your tone.”

Inside, I felt horrible as I saw the poor pharmacist struggling to fill the scrip. But I was super pissed at someone condemning my character for no reason. Had she said the woman had been in a car crash and I still didn’t care, then that’s another story.

So I didn’t let it go.  When the tech came back, I said, “Look, please tell the pharmacist I’m very sorry and that I hope she feels better, but I had no way of knowing this. You could have just said, ‘Please be patient with us, our pharmacist was late because of a crash.” Instead you decided to insult me.”

Just then, the pharmacist came to the window and apologized for the inconvenience and to ask if I had any questions.

“Please don’t worry,” I told her. “I’m so sorry this happened to you and I hope you’re okay. Please go easy on yourself today.”

This whole exchange haunted me. The tech’s snitty, lecturing tone. The sad look in the pharmacist’s tired eyes. The shame at flying off the handle so easily.

I’m not sorry I defended myself and stood up to the bratty tech. It was completely uncalled for accuse me of being a horrible person for no reason.

But I was sorry for the pharmacist. She’s always stressed and then this happens. I’m sure her tech was just acting like a Mama Bear. And I was sorry because, yes, I’m a compassionate human who cares that someone was in a car accident.

With all the conflict and hateful behavior in our world, especially in politics, I decided to make a choice.

Wars, racism, sexism, inequality are all big problems we can’t always control. But they stem from our everyday human interactions. And that is something we can control. (TWEET THIS!)

If we don’t start with being the change we seek in the world, as they say, what hope to we have for tackling the larger problems?

So I wrote her a Get Well card and apologized for stressing her out (I’m still ticked at the tech, though) and left it at the pharmacy counter.

Who knows if she’ll get it? Who knows if she’ll care? But I know and I do. And when we can act the way we want others to act – and show true compassion – I have to hope that makes a ripple effect to make the world a better place.

You have that opportunity every day. You don’t have to change the world by curing cancer or building some global empire or writing a best-selling novel. Delight a client. Help a customer. Chat with a neighbor. Let that driver merge in front of you on the freeway. Look your cashier in the eye (and yes, get off your phone) and say “Thank you.”

You know, like one compassionate human to another.

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Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Why (and How) to Trust Your Gut

Why (and How) to Trust Your Gut

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. 

So said William Bruce Cameron (or Albert Einstein, depending on your source)

Business owners and marketers count a lot these days: Twitter followers, site visits, conversion rates, email opens, CPM. All great data that leads to insight and action.

But not everything that counts can be counted. You need to learn how to listen to your intuition. (Tweet this!)

Now, I’m not getting all woo woo here. I’m talking about sound business sense. If you have any life experience whatsoever and you have expertise in your field, you can sometimes smell a rat or spot an opportunity without really knowing why.

Knowing is in your head. Knowing is facts, data and experience.

Intuition is your “Spidey Sense”. It’s knowing without really knowing WHY – it just IS.

And I submit to you that your intuition or “gut feel” is often based on the collective facts, data and experience you already have. But it expresses itself through your heart.

Of course, there will be business decisions you need to make based on solid facts. But my good friend, Andrea Rae coaches many entrepreneurs that listening to your body is just as important as logically thinking through tough decisions.

So where do you start?

Andrea teaches that the first step is to discern your Inner Yes and No.

You already do this: When you look at a restaurant menu, you peruse it and think about what you’d like to eat and usually go with what you ‘feel’ like having.

The way to listen to your intuition is by tuning into your body. “When we tune into the sensations in our bodies,” says Andrea, “we might notice a tightening in the chest or stomach, a contracted feeling indicating we really don’t like that choice, or that the choice is not resonating. Or we might get a calm, peaceful even excited feeling in the body when we think about that option. ”

When you’re faced with a decision, close your eyes and get into your heart space. Breathe. Shut off your monkey mind for a minute. Then, turn your decision into a “yes” or “no” question and tune into your body, taking notice of how your body reacts. Does you chest or stomach tighten or do your muscles constrict?  Or do you feel calm, lightness or excitement?

Some examples of how to apply this to your business:

  • Should I take on this client? If someone is unorganized, late, and high-maintenance from the very first interaction, how does that make you feel? My motto is that, unless there are extreme circumstances, most things finish as they start. Pay attention if your gut is telling you to let this one go.
  • Should I partner with this company? If a potential partnership keeps you awake at night, wondering if you’re getting “screwed” or you just don’t trust something in their voice and demeanor, pay attention. Your subconscious could be trying to remind you of a past similar that ended badly.
  • Should I do this? If you are constantly putting off a marketing or business task, such as blogging or networking, and the thought of it makes your stomach hurt, explore this resistance.  Yes, it could be because you’re outside of your comfort zone but look deeper. Will it actually move you toward your goals? Is it really that important? I find that if I keep putting something off, it’s for a reason. So I either face the challenge, take it off my to-do list or outsource it. At least you will move the ball forward!
  • Do I want to invest? If a sales pitch or webinar invitation makes you feel “icky,” pay attention to this reaction. I get this feeling when I see ads for “Secrets to a Six-Figure Business!” or “Manifest Your Ideal Clients NOW!” Is this really the right style and approach for you? Can you trust this person? Maybe someone else who comes at this from a different angle would serve you better.

Andrea shares 3 tips to get better at tuning in to your intuition:

  1. Spend some time in meditation, connecting to the heart, body and energetic boundaries, and practicing your yes and no response with simple questions to which you already know the answer. Focus on the body sensations. Observe, don’t think and analyze.
  1. Journal about the areas in your life where you honor your inner communication and where you do not. What are your blocks to listening to inner guidance? Download this free guided meditation. 
  1. Find time during the day to stop before automatically doing something. Stop and ask yourself if this is what you want to do. Notice the information that reveals itself. Ask yourself questions. Your body sensations will communicate simple yes and no answers if you just pay attention

Yes, gather all the data and information you can to make a good decision. But at the end of the day, you have to feel good about making that decision.

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Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Yes, You Can Ask!

09.13.16 Ask (blog)

Sitting in a coffee shop, I overheard two professional photographers comparing marketing notes.

They talked about pricing, contracts, packaging and how to create additional service offerings for new target markets. One seemed to be coaching the other based on his success, which was cool to see. It was lovely to see such mentoring and collaboration.

But this exchange stopped me in my eavesdropping tracks:

Him: You need to ask your past or current clients to refer business to you. This is how you generate word-of-mouth.

Her: Really? Just “ask them?” I thought word-of-mouth meant that you just do good work for people and hope they recommend you. I didn’t know I could ask them to refer me.

Him: If you deliver value for people, they will want to refer you! It’s your obligation to share the good work you do with people who need it.

“I didn’t know I could ask them to refer me.”

We are sometimes so afraid of the word “sales” that we deem any request for business as pushy, slimy or in-your-face.

Being “pushy” is an attitude, a tone of voice. It’s not the act of asking that’s pushy. It’s how you do it.

If you deliver honest work that gives great value to your clients or customers, then this guy is right: you have an obligation to ensure others who need what you’ve got can find you.

Don’t rest referral responsibility solely on the shoulders of your clients’ goodwill. We all mean well, but we get busy. We forget. We don’t post that stunning Yelp review or think about how your services might be perfect for a friend of ours.

Sometimes, you have to ask. Lovingly. Kindly. Confidently. (Tweet this!)

Here’s one way to ask a client for a referral at the end of an engagement:

“I’m so glad you’re happy with my work. It’s been great working with you, and I’m looking to help more clients just like you achieve results. If you have any friends or colleagues who could benefit from my work, could you please send them my way? If they end up becoming a client, I’d love to offer you a (discount/gift card/free session) as a thank you!”

One way to ask a colleague for a referral:

“Our services are really complementary and I noticed that those who work with you first get a lot more out of our work together . If you’re game, would you like to refer more clients my way (and vice versa) and perhaps we can do a 10% referral commission together?

One way to ask an existing customer for a referral:

“We love that you dig our style! We noticed you buy gifts and accessories from us every month and we wanted to say thank you. If you’d like to share the secrets of your gift-giving superpowers with friends or family, please send them our way with this code xxxxx. If they end up loving us as much as you do and spend $100 or more, we’ll reward you with 25% off your next purchase plus a free bonus gift. On us!

None of us can grow our business alone. Don’t be afraid to ask. Especially from those who already know the caliber of your work.

What will you do today to get your happy clients or customers to refer you? Book a 90-minute Brand Booster session with me and let’s figure out a gameplan!

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Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Why You’re Looking at “Time” the Wrong Way

8.23.16 Saving Time (Blog)

We have a funny relationship with time.

When we don’t have enough, we desperately wish we could find more.

When we have too much, we get impatient.

But ask someone “What is your time worth?” and you’ll get conflicting answers.

Entrepreneurs are willing to spend hours on social media, giving away their work for free or banging their heads against the wall launching marketing campaigns that result in zero new sales.

But ask them to spend the time required to make those activities count? Um, sorry. Too busy. Kids. Clients. Launches. Busy work. Errands.

And I’m looking in the mirror here, friend. I do it, too.

Your time is valuable. And that means that sometimes you have to invest it wisely.

Here’s the thing:

If you take a step back and spend the time putting together your brand strategy, getting super clear on your audience and message, developing valuable content, engaging your tribe before selling to them and building a strong foundation, guess what can happen?

You will do less marketing and achieve better results
You will be more consistent and memorable to your audience
You can get better results from fewer marketing tactics
You will stop getting overwhelmed by thousands of decisions
You will stand out from the competition
Your Facebook ads will convert better
Your events will sell out
Your client docket will fill up
Your products will sell
Your message will be heard
You will engage a raving fan base who will hang on your every word
You will win an Oscar! (OK, maybe that’s just in my own fantasy)

Assuming you deliver a quality product or service that people need, of course.

TOUGH LOVE TIME: Please stop wasting your valuable time. Right now. This minute. (TWEET THIS!)

You may think 12 months is too long to master your brand and marketing and slay your overwhelm in my MOMENTUM program.

“Ugh, really? That’s such a long time. I’ve got things to do! Do I have to?”

No, you don’t. You are free to keep spending your valuable time engaging in “random acts of marketing” that don’t work or result in sales.

Or you can spend 12 months with me to build a strong brand strategy and marketing foundation, brick by brick, step by step – all while still taking action each week – so that your precious time (and money) GETS RESULTS.

I’m in a one-year course with this format right now and I LOVE IT. When I’m busy, I just skip the week’s assignment and file it for another time. You can do the same with MOMENTUM. But always, the focus and support keep me moving forward.

You know. It helps me keep MOMENTUM!

We all need to get things done.  But if you want those efforts to be more effective, if you want to engage your audience, end your overwhelm and do more with less, please don’t skip this crucial step.

Make the time, even if it’s not with me.

But, c’mon how much fun will this be?! I invite you to join us in MOMENTUM for a year and see what happens.

I dare you!


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Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

How Do You Learn Best? (Free Sample!)

How do you learn best?

Do any of these situations sound familiar?

You bought a digital course for $79. Once you downloaded the files, you never looked at them again.

You went through a week-long, self-guided course and devoted yourself to completing the lessons. And you never did anything with the advice.

You signed up for a four-week workshop and attended every class religiously. You still have your intended actions lying in a notebook somewhere. Actions that you never took.

Yep. All happened to me.

Look, we’re all busy. And I’ve been seduced by the quick-fix promises just like everyone else.

But let’s be real: How many times have your learnings and good intentions simply ended up in a file on your laptop, never to be referenced again?

Finding the right training format to master your marketing and build your business just depends on what you’re trying to learn and which needs you’re trying to meet.

How to set up your Facebook brand page? Maybe a video tutorial is fine.

How to consistently prioritize and build your self-confidence? Maybe you need months of live coaching sessions before you can get there and make real, lasting change.

Before you invest, ask yourself: What is it that I really need in order to achieve my goals, to have an impact? And what format would work best?

Do you need a quick answer, for someone to share all the information with you at once so you can run with it by yourself? Good for you, DIY-er.

Or do you need ongoing accountability and motivation? If you’re busy or easily distracted, do you need to focus your actions so you won’t lose steam?

When I designed my year-long MOMENTUM coaching program, it was to avoid the “quick-hit” syndrome. Right now, I’m in a program with this same format and LOVE IT. Some weeks, the assignments are exactly what I need to move forward and – bam – they get done. Plus I get feedback. If I’m too busy, I keep the lesson for later. Always, the work is at the forefront of my mind so it gets DONE. Oh, and did I mention it’s fun?!

Guidance. Focus. Motivation. Consistent Action.. Ahhhhhhhh!

But….if you’re still on the fence about MOMENTUM, here’s a tempting little gift:

Enjoy a FREE sample of one of the MOMENTUM lessons: It’s a taste of what you can expect each week. But in the real course, each lesson comes served with your own private Facebook group, constructive feedback, Connection Calls, goodies, incentives…and more.

Oooohhh, it’s gonna be good!

Figure out how you learn best, and what you really need–practically and psychologically–to achieve your goals. Maybe the quick-hits that haven’t been working mean you need to shake things up?

Like this? There’s more where that came from! Check out MOMENTUM right here.

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Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

How to Attract Quality Clients and Customers

08.09.16 Attract Quality (Blog)

How much time do you waste fielding inquiries from, preparing long proposals for, or haggling endlessly with people who will never buy from you? Or worse, people with whom it’s, quite frankly, a nightmare to work?

While you can create your ideal client personas and build your brand with intention, there is one extra step you can take to attract the right people into your orbit.

Define, articulate and share your unique philosophy.

What differentiates you is not just what you do, but how you do it. I wrote about this last week.

But, remember, while you get to choose your ideal customers and clients… your ideal fans also get to choose YOU. (Tweet This!)

So make it super easy for them to self-select and say, “Yes! I want to join your party!”

Publish your philosophy right on your website. Post it to a page, such as:

Need some examples and inspiration?

Here’s one we crafted with my amazing client, Renee Metty of With PAUSE.

Here’s another from a client, Karen Ross and her fabulous coaching firm Start With You

And an awe-inspiring one for my client, Souldust.

When you take a stand and say, “This is how I roll!” you invite people in to either join your tribe or say, “Meh, this is just not for me. Thanks.”

And that’s okay. Because you will never create a strong, connective and beloved brand if you try to please everyone.  The best, most successful brands such as Apple, Starbucks and Virgin don’t claim to be right for everyone, so why do you think that would work for you?

Take a stand. Be bold. Share your philosophy and approach.  It may not be right for some people, but wouldn’t you rather spend your precious time and energy engaging with more of the right people, more often? It’s not just an easier sales process, it’s just more fun!

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